Speak up for success
There are close to 100 people in my department and on my floor alone. There are several thousand more in our corporate office. Out of all those folks, possibly 10% speak their mind or have no fear of expression. Speaking out, or speaking frankly, seems to be a relic of the old guard mentality in Corporate America. Suppression and fear of "getting fired" remains and the general employee population whole heartedly buys into this belief. "Lay low", "Fly Under Radar" and "Don't Stick Out" are popular belief sets in our cubicle (often even exec offices) rows. Dilbert is a great example of this mentality, providing us a welcome opportunity to laugh out loud and relate. "That's me!!", we think and silently wish our bosses could read the comic strips. Let me give you a heads up if you didn't know; they do and they are thinking the exact same thing that you are.
Every boss has a boss, unless you're at the very top and if so, you're probably not reading this anyway. Few remember that bosses too are human beings, with their own frustrations, challenges and obstacles. Even the most moronic and arrogant bosses have their human side, they just choose to not show it to you. As such, every boss is also an employee and I can guarantee you that they too wish their boss would change, appreciate them more or just "improve morale". How often have you not read a self-help book and thought to yourself; "I know EXACTLY who NEEDS to read this book!". How often did you think that perhaps you are the one needing to read it?One of my favorite speakers on this topic is David Taylor, the author of "The Naked Leader". He speaks of many things, including motivation, leadership and innovation. However, one of the things posted on his site are the 7 Principles of Success, which I like to share anytime I get the chance to. Keep in mind that these may SOUND "fluffy" or "New Agey" but in reality, they are not. Read on:
- Success is a formula, and it is simple
- This formula does not "belong" to anyone - it belongs to everyone
- To be successful, you need rely on no-one, other than yourself
- Success is whatever you want it to be, by your own definition
- Success can happen very fast, often in a heartbeat
- Everyone has value, can be anything they want, and is a leader
- The biggest mystery of life, is to discover who we truly are
Remember, there is NO difference between yourself and that interviewer, boss or senior executive. The only difference is in your head, and what you perceive, will be. Speak up (nooo, I didn't say DUMP - see my other post on Verbal Diarrhea), and know that with your voice, comes success.
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